Panchayat Raj : Funds Release to Rural Local Bodies |
The resource
base of the rural local bodies in addition to their Own Tax/Non-Tax revenues
consists of the following: Rural Local
Bodies have the duties of providing basic amenities and civic services to
around 3.6 Crore rural population. The Rural Local bodies are empowered to
collect taxes to raise their own resources to perform their duties. However,
the funds collected through their own revenues do not suffice. Therefore, the
Government (Central and State) devolves part of their own tax revenues to the
rural local bodies to meet their needs. Article
243(I) and 243(Y) of the Constitution of India incorporated by 73rd
and 74th Amendment Acts heralded a new era in the history of the
Local Bodies by providing for the constitution of a State Finance Commission in
all the States within one year from the commencement of the Constitution 73rd
Amendment Act, 1992 initially and thereafter at the expiry of every five years
to recommend devolution of funds to the Local Bodies. The Central
Government also asked the Central Finance Commissions to recommend the quantum
of Central Government funds to be devolved to the local bodies from Tenth
Central Finance Commission onwards. The
Assigned/Shared revenues are one which are collected by State Government but
transferred/shared to/with local bodies. The major sources of assigned/shared
revenues to the rural local bodies are Local Cess, Local Cess Surcharge,
Surcharge on Stamp duty, Entertainment tax, seigniorage fees and lease amount
of mines and minerals, and sale proceeds of Social Forestry plantations. In Tamil
Nadu, the First State Finance Commission was constituted in April, 1994. It gave its report in November 1996 covering
the period from April, 1997 to March 2002. Government vide G.O (Ms) No.225, Finance
(Resources) Dept., dt: 2.5.1997, accepted the following recommendations of the First State Finance
Devolution of 8% of State’s own tax revenue (except Entertainment Tax) to
rural and urban local bodies.
Out of 8%, 85% to be released as devolution grant and 15% as
equalization and incentive grant. · The 85% devolution grant to be shared between rural and urban local
bodies in the ratio of 55:45 respectively.
The 15% equalization and incentive grant was apportioned to rural and
urban local bodies in the ratio of 60:40 respectively.
The 55% devolution grant to rural local bodies was distributed to Village
Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District Panchayats in the ratio of 45: 45: 10
respectively. The devolution grant was
released based on 1991 population giving weightage to 2/3rd general
population and 1/3rd SC/ST
population. The equalization grant was released to Village
Panchayats and Panchayat Unions towards drinking water supply, settlement of
current consumption charges and to fill up the gaps in the provision of basic
amenities and infrastructure facilities.
The incentive grant was released to Village Panchayats to levy and
improve the house tax collections. Table 1
1.2 The Second State
Finance Commission was constituted on 1.12.1999,
for the award period from 2002 - 03 to 2006 - 07 and it gave its report in May
2001. Government
vide G.O.Ms.No.284, Finance (FCIV) Department, dt:12.8.2002, accepted the
following recommendations of the Second
State Finance Commission:
8% of State’s own tax revenue (except
Entertainment Tax) was apportioned as devolution grant and reserve equalization
and incentive fund in the ratio of 87:13 respectively. ·
87% allocation was apportioned to rural local bodies and urban local bodies
in the ratio of 58:42 respectively. ·
Devolution grant of 58% was shared between Village Panchayats, Panchayat
Unions and District Panchayats in the ratio of 47:45:8 respectively. The devolution grant was apportioned based on
2001 census population giving weightage to total population 40%, women
population 40% and SC/ST population 20%.
The 13% grant was apportioned as Reserve Fund, Equalization Fund, and Incentive
fund in the ratio of 2:6:5 respectively. Table 2
1.3 Third State Finance Commission:
The Third State
Finance Commission was constituted on 2.12.2004, for the award period of 2007-
08 to 2011-12. It gave its report on
Government vide G.O.Ms.No.199, Finance (FC IV) Dept., dt: 25.5.2007 accepted
the following recommendations of the
Third State Finance Commission:
To increase the devolution grant
from existing 8% to 9% of the State’s
own tax revenue in 2007-08. The
devolution grant is to be shared between the rural and urban local bodies in
the ratio of 58:42. ·
The 58% devolution grant to rural local bodies to be distributed among
the Village Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District Panchayats in the ratio
of 60:32:8 from the year 2007-08. ·
The allocation of State Finance Commission funds to the Village
Panchayats based on the criteria adopted in the earlier years was not
sufficient for many Panchayats to meet the minimum payment of electricity
charges to TNEB and water charges to TWAD Board. Hence, the Government have
ordered that the Village Panchayat’s share will be raised to 60% of the
Devolution grant allocated for Panchayat Raj Institutions to enable them to
discharge their onerous duties of provision and maintenance of basic amenities
such as drinking water supply, sanitation, roads and street lights. ·
Out of 60% share of Village Panchayats, 5% reserved
for Infrastructure Gap Filling
Fund. From out of the Village
Panchayats share of 55%, a minimum grant of Rs.3.00 lakhs per annum to each
Village Panchayat is to be provided as a measure of equalization. The balance amount is to be released based on
population. Table 3
1.4 Fourth State Finance Commission The Fourth State Finance Commission was constituted on 1.2.2009, for the award period of 2012-13 to 2016-17. It gave its report on 30.9.2011. The Government vide G.O.Ms.No.194, Finance (FC IV) Dept., dt: 10.6.2013 accepted the following recommendations of the Third State Finance Commission: ·
The government has decided to continue the devolution grant as 10% of the State's own tax revenue during the award period of 2012-13 to 2016-17. The devolution grant is to be shared between the rural and urban local bodies in the ratio of 58:42. ·
The 58% devolution grant to rural local bodies to be distributed among the Village Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District Panchayats in the ratio of 60:32:8 from the year 2012-13 to 2016-17. ·
The allocation of State Finance Commission funds to the Village Panchayats based on the criteria adopted in the earlier years was not sufficient for many Panchayats to meet the minimum payment of electricity charges to TNEB and water charges to TWAD -Board. Hence, the Government have ordered that the Village Panchayat's share will be raised to 60% of the Devolution grant allocated for Panchayat Raj Institutions to enable them to discharge their onerous duties of provision and maintenance of basic amenities such as drinking water supply, sanitation, roads and street lights. ·
Out of 60% share of Village Panchayats, 10% reserved for Infrastructure Gap Filling Fund. From out of the Village Panchayats share of 60%, a minimum grant of Rs.5.00 lakhs per annum to each Village Panchayat is to be provided as a measure of equalization. The balance amount is to be released based on population.
1.5 Fifth State Finance Commission The Government vide G.O.Ms.NO.281, Finance (Finance Commission-IV) Department dated 1.12.2014, have constituted Fifth State Finance Commission to review the financial position of the rural and urban Local Bodies namely Village Panchayats, Panchayat Union Councils, District Panchayats, Town Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. a. Local Cess and Local Cess Surcharge: Section 167 of the Tamil Nadu
Panchayats Act, 1994 provides for the levy of local cess at the rate of Re.1 on
every rupee of land revenue realized in the State. The total amount realized
from this source was distributed entirely to Village Panchayats. Similarly,
Section 168 of the Act provides for the levy of local cess surcharge at such
rate which may be considered suitable but not less than Rs.5 on every rupee of
land revenue. The levy, collection and
adjustment to Village Panchayats and Panchayat Unions is done by Revenue
Department in the districts. Table 4 Assigned
Revenues: Local Cess and Local Cess Surcharge*
(Rs. in crores)
b. Surcharge on
Stamp duty on transfer of property Under Section 175 of the Act,
provision is made for crediting the proceeds under surcharge on Stamp duty to
Village Panchayats. This is adjusted in quarterly installments by the
Registration Department in the districts. Table
5 Assigned Revenues: Surcharge on Stamp
Duty *
c. Entertainment Tax
Table 7 Assigned
Revenues : Lease amount derived from Mines
and Minerals
e. Social
Forestry Receipts There was no statutory obligation
for sharing the Social Forestry receipts till 1992 but the 73rd
Constitutional Amendment Act, had assigned the Social Forestry and Farm
Forestry to rural local bodies under Schedule - XI of the Constitution of
India. The proceeds of social forestry
from 1997-98 to 1999-2000 have been ordered to transfer the same to
Panchayats. The Third State Finance
Commission recommended to share the social forestry receipts on 50:50 basis as
per Government orders. Table 8
Source: * G.O.Ms.No.33, Environment &
Forests (Forests .6) Dept. Dt.15.2.2000 Source: $ G.O.Ms.No.234, Environment
& Forests (Forests .6) Dept. Dt.27.12.2005
Source: # G.O(2D).No.93, Environment
& Forests (Forests .6) Dept. Dt.15.11.2007
2.1 Pooled Assigned Revenue from 2007-08
Assigned Revenues of rural local bodies include the class of taxes and levies
like Entertainment Tax, levied under Entertainment Tax Act, 1939, surcharge on
Stamp duty levied under Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994 and Local Cess / Local
Cess Surcharge on land revenue levied under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act, 1994
are traditionally collected by the concerned Government departments and
adjusted directly to local bodies by the District Collectors.
The system of adjusting Assigned
Revenues to various rural local bodies through adjustments leads to considerable delay in
transferring the funds. To ensure
quick transfer, the Government have issued orders in G.O.Ms.No. 168, Rural
Development & Panchayat Raj Department
(C4) Department dt. 4.10.2007 to pool the Assigned Revenues. i.e. Local
Cess, Local Cess Surcharge, Surcharge on
Stamp Duty and Entertainment Tax at State Level and to apportion the same to
rural local bodies.
Government allocated Rs.270 Crores for Pooled Assigned Revenue for the year 2007-08. Out of this amount, Rs. 180 Crores had been released to all the Village
Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District
Panchayats on population basis and Rs. 90 Crores released to districts for Priority Schemes. During 2008-09, Government allocated Rs.541.77 Crores for Pooled Assigned Revenue out of this amount Rs.361.18 Crores has been released to all the Village Panchayats, Panchayat Unions and District Panchayats on population basis and Rs.180.59 Crores released to districts for Priority Schemes. During 2009-10, Government allocated Rs.359.49 Crores for Pooled Assigned Revenue out of this amount Rs.179.745 Crores has been released to all the Village Panchayats Panchayats Unions and District Panchayat on population basis and Rs.179.745 Crores has been released to districts for Priority Schemes.
Table 9 Pooled Assigned Revenue
Source: G.O.Ms.No.168, RD & PR (C4) Department dated 4.10.2007 3. Central Finance Commissions: 3.1 Tenth Central Finance Commission Grant The Tenth Finance Commission
recommended an adhoc grant of Rs.71.83 Crores annually from 1996-97 to 2000-01
for the rural local bodies in Tamil Nadu
to take up capital works which was the
first time when a central finance commission touched the local bodies. While
releasing the amount the Government had stipulated that the local bodies could
take up capital works from out of the Tenth Central Finance Commission’s grant
by suitable contribution from its general funds. Table 10
*Source : 3.2 Eleventh Central Finance
Commission Grants The 11th central finance commission recommended grants to rural local bodies in Tamil Nadu
for Rs.9,322.36 lakhs per annum for five years from 2000-01 to 2004-05. Out of this grant, Rs.519.12 lakhs per annum had been earmarked
for maintenance of accounts in rural local bodies. This grant was released for the maintenance of civic services to Village
Panchayats and Panchayat Unions in the ratio of 55 : 45 respectively based on
the population which are having a
primary responsibility in the maintenance of civic services by a suitable
contribution from its general funds. Table 11
A total sum of Rs. 870 crores has been allotted to
Tamil Nadu for the period from 2005-06 to 2009-10 under 12th Finance Commission
Grant to rural local bodies. A sum of Rs.174 crores was released to Village
Panchayats and Panchayat Unions in the ratio of 80: 20 respectively in the year
2005-06 and the entire grant is released only to Village Panchayats from the
second instalment of funds in the year 2006-07 onwards. This grant is to be utilized entirely for the
O & M costs of water supply, street lighting and sanitation. Table 12
Table 13