Security Policy TNRD Work Inspection |
Terms of Use National Informatics Centre, Tamil Nadu State Centre has developed the TNRD Work Inspection Mobile App for the Rural Development Department, Govt of Tamil nadu. TNRD Work Inspection Mobile App has been developed with collaboration between the DRD & PR, National Informatics Centre (NIC). Inspection app is a tool to be used by officers of the department working at State, District and Block level to inspect the ongoing or completed works executed at Village level by various contractors / agencies to check the quality of work execution.This mobile application captures the photographs of the work with Geo Location. The inspection reports is also generated using the mobile app which will be review by higher level officers.
Permission used by this App: Data Retention Policy, Managing Your Information The app captures users Mobile Number, Name and email, office details where they are working at present with their designation. The Department retains the user provided data. This information can be used by registered user. X-x-x-X |