14th March, 2025
Establishment : Disciplinary Proceedings (upto 31-12-2011)
Involvement of Public Servants in criminal misconduct – Initiation of departmental and criminal action simultaneously - Clarification
G.O. (Ms) No.124 P&AR (per.N) Dept., dt.22.02.1983
Involvement of Government Servants belonging to more than one department – Government to pass final orders
G.O (Ms) No.223 P&AR (Per.N) Dept., dt. 26.6.1993
Persons overlooked in panel for promotion / Recruitment – Appeal – Fixing 6 months time limit to dispose off appeal
G.O. (Ms) No.247, P&AR Dept.,dt.08.07.1993
Initiation of proceedings under rule 17 (a) or 17 (b) of Tamil Nadu Civil Services (CCA) Rules 1953 – Framing of charges – Guidelines
Govt. Lr. No. 98225/Per/93-1 P&AR Dept.,dt.14.12.1993
Disciplinary Authority disagreeing with the findings of the enquiry officer – Communication of the reasons for disagreement – Clarification
Govt. Lr. No. 105983/Per.N/90 P&AR (Per.N) Dept., dt.08.02.1994
Change of Tamil Nadu civil Services (Classification, control and Appeal) Rules – as Tamil Nadu civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules – Amendment
G.O. (Ms) No.149 P&AR (Per.N) Dept., dt.23.06.1994
Tamil Nadu civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules – Amendment to Rule 12 (2) – Dismissal/Removal shall not be ordered by an officer subordinate to the appointing authority
G.O. (Ms) No. 29, P&AR (N) Dept., dt.29.01.1996
Suspension pending enquiry into grave charges – Six months time limit for finalization of disciplinary proceedings/one year when referred to DV & AC
G.O. (Ms) No.40 P&AR (Per.N) Dept.,dt.30.01.1996
Amendment to rule 36 (1) (iii) power to review – six months time limit prescribed applicable to the appellate authority
G.O. (Ms) No.63 P&AR (per-N) Dept., dt.02.02.1996
Specific provision for appointment of enquiry officer to ascertain the truth by the Disciplinary authority
G.O. (Ms) No.77, P&AR (per-N) Dept., dt. 06.02.1996
Engaging retired Government Servants to assist serving personal in disciplinary proceedings - Amendment
G.O. (Ms) No.78 P&AR (N) Dept., dt.06.02.1996
Appointment of Departmental Enquiry Officers – Guidelines
D.O. Lr.No.35016/E2/2000 R.D. Dept., dt.25.8.2000
Initiation of department and criminal action against the misconduct – Final orders in departmental proceedings irrespective of the outcome of the criminal case
Govt. Lr.No.54473/N/2000-12 P&AR (N) Dept., dt. 03.12.2001
Common Proceedings under rule 9A – Charge 17 (b) for higher gravity of irregularity and 17 (a) for lesser gravity
Govt. Lr. No. (Ms) No.18/N/2001, P&AR (N) Dept.,dt. 03.12.2001


Disciplinary action against officials of different departments whose disciplinary authorities are other than Collectors – Clarification
Lr.No 8501/N2/2000-16 P&AR (N2)dt. 21.02.2002
Reduction of Lower Service / Grade or to a lower stage in a time scale of post for specified period while imposing penalties – Clarifications
Govt. Lr.No. 26625/FR.1/2002-1 P&AR (FR.1) Dept., dt. 21.05.2002
Recovery of monetary value of amount of increment ordered to be withheld for the unexpired period of punishment - Amendment
G.O. (Ms) No.55, P&AR (Per-N) Dept., dt. 06.06.2002
Continuance of suspension of a Government Servant against whom any criminal complaint is under investigation
G.O. (Ms) No.77, P&AR(N) Dept., dt. 09.07.2002
Simultaneous criminal action and departmental disciplinary action against Government servants – Passing of final orders without awaiting the results of the criminal case
Lr.No. (Ms) 321, P&AR (N) Dept., dt. 12.8.2004
Defects noticed in framing of charges/show cause notice
Govt. Lr.No. (Ms) 10, P&AR (N) Dept., dt. 10.01.2005
Prescribing standard forms for adoption by the disciplinary authorities
Govt. Lr.No.2731/N/2005-2, P&AR (N) Dept., dt. 15.03.2005
Disciplinary cases not finalized for unavoidable reasons – Vigilance Commission clearance prior to 3 months from the date of retirement
D.O. Lr. No. 4122/VC.III/2006-1, dt. 04.07.2006
Recovery of monetary value equivalent to the amount of withholding increments ordered to be withheld for the unexpired period of the punishment – Amendment
G.O. (Ms) No.113, P&AR (N) Dept., dt. 02.08.2006
Avoiding suspension on the date of retirement – Not applicable to cases of Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption enquiry and criminal cases
G.O. (Ms) No.144 P&AR (Per-N) Dept., dt. 08.06.2007
Vigilance & Anti Corruption
26. Procedures in respect of Vigilance & Anti Corruption cases Extracts from Hand Book of P&AR Department
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Regulations
Rules relating to Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Regulations, 1954 – Matters not necessary for the Commission to be consulted
Provisions from Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Regulations, 1954
Disciplinary Proceedings - During 2012