Panchayat Raj : Central Finance Commissions (upto 31-12-2011)
Tenth Finance Commission
1. 1997-98ம் ஆண்டிற்கான பத்தாவது நிதிக் குழு மான்ய ஒதுக்கீடுகள்  246 ஊராட்சி ஒன்றியங்களுக்கு ரூ.885.60 இலட்சத்தில் புதிய ஈப்பு வாங்குதல். அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.167 ஊ.வ. துறை நாள் 28.05.1997.
(Refer Sl.No.26/3)
Tenth Finance Commission Allotment for the year 97-98 – Purchase of Jeeps for the 246 Panchayat Unions from out of funds of Rs.885.60 for the year 97-98. G.O (Ms) No.167, RD Dept dt.28.5.97
2. 1998-99ம் ஆண்டின் ஊராட்சி ஒன்றியத்திற்கான பத்தாவது நிதிக் குழு மான்ய ஒதுக்கீட்டில் ஊராட்சி ஒன்றியம் மற்றும் உதவி செயற் பொறியாளர்களுக்கு ரூ.9.035 கோடி செலவில் 241 ஈப்புகள் வாங்குதல். அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 185 ஊ,வ, (தி4) துறை நாள் 01.09.1998.
(Refer Sl.No.26.5)
Tenth Finance Commission Allotment for the year 98-99 – Purchase of 241 Jeeps for the Panchayat Unions and the Assistant Executive Engineers at a cost of Rs.9.035 crores. G.O (Ms) No.185 RD (S4) Dept dt.1.9.98
3. 1998-99ம் ஆண்டிற்கான பத்தாவது நிதிக் குழு மான்ய ஒதுக்கீடுகள்  173 ஊராட்சி ஒன்றியங்களுக்கு இரண்டாவது ஈப்புகள்- ரூ648.75 இலட்சம் ஒதுக்கீடு செய்தல் அரசாணை (நிலை) எண். 258 ஊ,வ,(சி2) துறை நாள் 04.12.1998.
(Refer Sl/No.26.7)
Tenth Finance Commission - Purchase of Jeeps to 73 Panchayat Unions for Rs.648.75 lakhs from out of the allotment for the year 98-99. G.O (Ms) No.258 RD (C2) Dept dt.4.12.98
4. 1999-2000ம் ஆண்டிற் கான பத்தாவது நிதிக் குழு மான்ய ஒதுக்கீடுகள். அரசாணை(நிலை)எண்.199.ஊ.வ.துறைநாள்25.09.1999.
Tenth Finance Commission – Distribution of funds to the Rural local bodies for the year 1999-2000. G.O (Ms) No.199 RD Dept dt.25.9.99
Eleventh Finance Commission
5. Creation of database in the PRIs and sanction for purchase of 1,537 computers and accessories. G.O.(Ms) No.63, RD (C2) Dept. dt. 29.03.2004.
6. Creation of database in the PRIs and sanction for purchase of 5,441 computers and accessories. G.O. (Ms) No.9, RD (C2) Dept. dt. 03.02.2005.
7. Creation of database in the PRIs and sanction for purchase of 6,096 computers and accessories. G.O.(Ms) No.18, RD (C2) Dept. dt.10.02.2006.
8. Eleventh Finance Commission Grant – Fund sanctioned and released for Purchase of Computers to Village Panchayats – Balance amount of Rs.8.68 crores - Permission to pay the arrears of EB charges of village panchayats – Orders – issued. G.O.(Ms) No. 40   RD & PR (CGS I) Dept.,  dt. 14.05.2009
Twelfth Finance Commission
9. ஊரக உள்ளாட்சி அமைப்புகளுக்கு 2006-07 ஆண்டிற்கான முதல் தவணைத் தொகை ரூ.87.00 கோடி விடுவித்தல் அரசாணை (நிலை) எண்.157 ஊ.வ.(ம) ஊ(சி2) துறை, நாள் 30.10.2006
12th Finance Commission - Distribution of funds to the Rural local bodies for the year 2006-07 – First Installment of Rs.87.00 orders released. G.O (Ms) No.157 RD & PR (C2) Dept dt.30.10.06
10. Release of Twelfth Finance Commission Grants – increase in the share of Village Panchayats  from 80% to 100% and utilisation of grants. G.O.(Ms) No.19, RD & PR Dept. dt, 26.02.2007.
11. Release of grants to rural Local Bodies for the year 2006-07 G.O.(Ms) No.23, RD & PR Dept. Dt.. 28.02.2007.
12. Release of first instalment grants of Rs.87.00 crores for the year 2007 – 08. G.O.(Ms) No.85, RD & PR (C2) Dept. dt. 06.06.2007.
13. Release of second instalment grants of Rs.87.00 crores for the year 2007 – 08. G.O. (Ms) No.171, RD & PR (C2) Dept.dt. 12.10.2007.
14. Twelfth Finance Commission Grant – Grant to Village Panchayats for Operation and Maintenance costs of Water Supply, Street Lighting and Sanitation – Release of 1st instalment of Rs.87.00 crores to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2008-2009 G.O.(Ms) No.  106   RD & PR (PR-1) Dept.,dt.19.06.2008
15. Twelfth Finance Commission Grant – Grant to Village Panchayats for Operation and Maintenance costs of Water Supply, Street Lighting and Sanitation – Release of second instalment of Rs.87.00 crores to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2008-2009. G.O.(Ms.) No. 162   RD & PR (PR I) Dept., dt.13.10.2008
16. Twelfth Finance Commission Grant – Grant to Village Panchayats for Operation and Maintenance costs of Water Supply, Street Lighting and Sanitation – Release of first instalment of Rs.87.00 crores to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2009-2010. G.O.(Ms) No. 54   RD & PR (PR.I) Dept.,  dt. 01.07.2009
17. Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department - Twelfth Finance Commission Grant – Grant to Village Panchayats for Operation and Maintenance costs of Water Supply, Street Lighting and Sanitation – Release of second instalment of Rs.87.00 crores to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2009-2010 – Orders – Issued. G.O.(Ms) No. 118   RD & PR (PR.I) Dept.,  dt. 20.10.2009
Thirteenth Finance Commission
18. Grants – Assigned Revenue to Rural Local Bodies – Pooling of Assigned Revenues at State Level and Apportionment to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2010-2011 – Sanction of Rs.236,38,91,608/- – Orders – Issued.
19. Grants - Thirteenth Finance Commission Grants – Release of first instalment of Rs.143.55 Crores to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2010-2011 – Sanction - Orders – Issued.
21. Grants - Thirteenth Finance Commission Grants - General Basic Grant – Release of second installment of Rs.143,55,00,000/- to Rural Local Bodies for the year 2010-2011 – Sanction - Orders – Issued . G.O.(Ms) No.8, RD & PR (PR-1) Dept. dt. 14.1.2011.
22. Grants – Thirteenth Finance Commission Grants – Release of Ist instalment of General Basic Grant of Rs.166.50 crores to Rural local bodies for the year 2011-12 – Sanction -  Orders – Issued. G.O.(Ms) No.43 Dt: 22.07.2011. 
23. Grants – Thirteenth Finance Commission Grants – Release of Balance Eligible General Basic Grant of Rs.981,00,000/- to Rural local bodies towards Ist instalment release for the year 2011-12 – Sanction -  Orders – Issued. G.O.(Ms) No.67 Dt: 22.09.2011. 
24. Grants – Thirteenth Finance Commission Grants – Release General Basic Grant of Rs.176,31,00,000/- to Rural local bodies as second instalment for the year 2011-12 – Sanction -  Orders - Issued.

G.O.(Ms) No.85, Dt: 08.11.2011.

Central Finance Commissions - During 2012 >>